Home Featured 20 Hidden Names for Sugar on Nutritional Labels

20 Hidden Names for Sugar on Nutritional Labels

by Cure For Aging

Sometimes sugar hides on nutrition labels under other names. Here are 20 sugars in disguise:

  1. High Fructose Corn Syrup
  2. Cane Syrup
  3. Caramel
  4. Beet sugar
  5. Dextrose
  6. Fructose & fruit juice & fruit concentrate
  7. Maltose
  8. Honey
  9. Maltodextrin
  10. Agave Nectar
  11. Barley malt syrup
  12. Brown sugar
  13. Cane crystals & cane juice crystals & evaporated cane juice
  14. Corn syrup & corn syrup solids & corn sweetener
  15. Grape sugar
  16. Glucose & glucose solids
  17. Glycerol
  18. Invert sugar
  19. Malt syrup
  20. Malitol syrup

Be on the lookout for these hidden sugars!

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