Home Articles Your Risk of Death Doubles Every 8 Years – How to Cheat the Gompertz Curve.

Your Risk of Death Doubles Every 8 Years – How to Cheat the Gompertz Curve.

by Cure For Aging

The Gompertz Curve

The Gompertz Curve is named after Benjamin Gompertz, a British mathematician from the 1800s. He noticed that as people age, their risk of dying increases in a pattern, much like going up a steep hill. He came up with a mathematical formula to explain this pattern and named it the Gompertz Curve.

The curve starts low, rises steeply, and then levels off. It’s like a hill that’s steep at first and then becomes a plateau. This curve, or hill, is used to represent how likely someone is to die as they age. The steeper the curve, the faster the risk of death increases.

Gompertz observed that the force of mortality increases in a geometric progression, meaning that the risk of death increases exponentially with age. The Gompertz Curve is a function that describes this relationship between age and mortality risk, encapsulating Gompertz’s law of mortality.

In essence, it shows how likely you are to die at any given age and your risk doubles every 8 years. You have a 1 in 1000 chance of dying in your mid thirties but it increases to 1 in 100 by your mid 60s. This rate is fairly consistent around the world and throughout time.

How the Curve is Used

Scientists and doctors use the Gompertz Curve to better understand how we age and to estimate how long people might live. This helps in planning for things like healthcare and retirement.

An interesting thing about the Gompertz Curve is that it suggests there might be a limit to how old humans can get. This is shown by the curve leveling off or the plateau. It means the risk of dying doesn’t keep getting steeper forever; it slows down at really old ages.

However, the curve isn’t perfect. It doesn’t work as well for people who live in places with high rates of young people dying. It also doesn’t quite fit for people who live past 100 years old, because their risk of dying seems to increase slower than the curve predicts.

Why Does the Curve Matter in Anti-Aging?

Even though the Gompertz Curve helps describe how we age, it doesn’t tell us why we age. Scientists are still working to understand what causes our bodies to age and how to slow it down.

The Gompertz Curve is an important tool that inspires lots of research. Scientists hope that by studying this curve, they can learn more about aging and perhaps find ways to help people live longer and healthier lives.

The Gompertz Curve is like a mathematical map of aging. It doesn’t provide all the answers, but it helps us ask better questions. It’s one of many tools scientists use to explore the mysteries of growing old.

Former Yale Professor and Book Author Morgan Levine on Aging

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